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Maidstone and Malling Cubs Go Global

Over 200 Cubs from Maidstone and Malling will travelled around the world on Saturday 16th April 2005 without leaving Hamlet Wood, Stockett Lane, Maidstone. Their flight took off at 10.30am and by 3.30pm when they landed; they had visited 16 different countries and taken part in nearly 50 activities.

In Scotland, the Cubs hunted for haggis and tossed the caber; when they got to Australia they made boomerangs and become gold prospectors, and in Kenya they encountered wild animals on safari.    

The Cubs made new friends from other Packs and had fun getting their passport stamped when they had completed the activities around the world. All the Cubs were given a Eurojam badge to wear on their uniforms to encourage them to feel part of this special International year.

They also experienced the delights of skiing in Switzerland, baseball in the USA and boules in France.    

Kent Cubs have promoted the concept of several Districts working together and Go Global brought together four Districts to share the load, plan the day and have fun together!
Rebecca Martin Deputy

Assistant County Commissioner for Cub Scouts


Last updated