1st Dymchurch goes Digital!
The Scouting Adventure is alive and thriving in Dymchurch. During lockdown Cubs and Beavers have done some amazing great things following the Scouting dream and earning badges.
Quite a few have set up tents and camped in their gardens, tempting neighbours with the aroma of their culinary delights.
They have constructed hedgehog dens, painted flags and pebbles, made cakes, cookies, cupcakes, and dinners. Venturing into junk modelling the youngsters produced puppet theatres, aquariums and safari boxes. Cubs have also been busy in the garden planting potatoes, soft fruits and veg, yum yum!!. Cubs and Beavers have also learnt about the Human Body, Bugs/Insects, doing Science Experiments, Morse Code, Sign language, cross stitch.
Well done 1st Dymchurch Cubs and Beavers you are a credit to Romney Marsh District.