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Kent Cubs trip to Disneyland 2014

105 New Disney photos added - lots of very happy 8th Gillingham Cub Scouts and leaders and read all about it here ! Thanks to Sylvia Gill, CSL.

226 Cubs and Leaders from 20 Cub Packs had an amazing time over the weekend at Disneyland, Paris.  Five coaches set off from Rochester full of excited young people to make the journey to the Davy Crockett Ranch via Eurotunnel.  The coaches were headed up by Bunty and Ken - Mickie and Minnie Mouse, Jim and Beccy - Donald and Daisy Duck, Zoe and Rob - Jessie and Woody, Kathy M and Kathy S - Bambi and Thumper, Kim and Nigel - Pooh and Tigger!

089 The coaches all made good time and by 1am everyone was tucked up in bed in their very comfy cabins!  Saturday morning saw a little light drizzle first thing whilst we collected our breakfast, but by the time we got to Disneyland it was drying up and the rest of the day was lovely.  Red hats and bags were spotted throughout the park and Kent Cubs were very visible having a great time.  The favourite rides of the day were Thunder Mountain, Space Mountain and Buzz Lightyear!  "It's a Small world" was enjoyed by everyone too and the tune is probably still going around in heads!!

Cubs enjoyed reading the maps and guiding their leaders around the parks to the next ride, shopping with euros and hearing a range of languages being spoken -  all great experiences for young people.

The day in the park was rounded off with a spectacular parade featuring all the favourite Disney characters.

One Cub told his leader he had the best time ever in his entire life! An akela said that one of her Cubs for the very first time was animated and excited about what he had seen and done and she had seen a real difference in him.

In the evening we all went to the Buffalo Bill Wild West dinner show in the nearby Disney village.  The evening was packed full of entertainment from the resident cowboys and indians with buffaloes and horses.  With much banging of cutlery - encouraged by Buffalo Bill himself, everyone enjoyed themselves and waved their cowboy hats in the air!

Sunday morning, luggage all loaded and the Walt Disney Studios were on the agenda for the day!  The Terror Towers saw some of the very brave take the lift to the top and then drop down - whilst some went on the less terrifying slinky dog ride!  Loads of fun was had by everyone - and the happy faces as they made their way back to the coaches for the journey home said it all. 

Thanks to everyone who in the past nine years has helped us take over 1000 young people and adults to Disneyland, Paris.  We've done four trips and they have all been amazing and lots of fun!  Lots of special memories for everyone! 

Our thanks too, to Venture Abroad - we've travelled with them on every trip and we can highly recommend them!

If you have any photos you would like added to these then please email them to Beccy.

Beccy and Bunty

Last updated by Rebecca