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Ahoy !

Ahoy! Over 1000 Beavers and Leaders descended on the Historic Dockyard, Chatham on Saturday 14th October and spent the day being pirates!  Some had embraced dressing up and several Jack Sparrows were seen and bandanas worn by lots - for some it was their Group necker - a great idea to help spot Beavers on a ship!

The sun shone, picnics were eaten - by some almost as soon as they arrived as Beavers are always hungry! 

Our very own Scout Ambassador, Dominic King from BBC Radio Kent came along and invested some Beavers and joined in the fun, along with our County Commissioner, Dean Harding and Ian Newbery the South East Regional Commissioner.

The massive site can easily accommodate thousands of visitors and the Beavers quickly dispersed around the site, visiting all the attractions which include HMS Ocelot - a submarine which essentially is a big metal tube - no wonder it took some doing to crawl through the hatches!  HMS CAvalier and HMS Gannet were exciting for children as they could pretend to steer the ships and ring the bells. 

The Ropery was busy all day and Beavers got the chance to make their very own piece of rope using the dockyard machinery.  Our own Scout team manned four rope making machines throughout the day too, making miles of rope with the Beavers.

Beavers were able to take advantage of seeing the special exhibition of Michael Foreman's drawings and some took the chance to sit quietly and read a story, or play with the dinosaurs. 

The Wagon Store was busy all day handing out ice lollies, which given the weather were consumed with relish.  The special shop set up by the dockyard, packed full of pocket money items did a roaring trade throughout the day.

The dockyard had organised a special treasure hunt around the Big Store and everyone got the chance to earn their treasure at the end of the day!  Beavers and leaders took home their very own specially commissioned pair of binoculars.

Thanks to everyone who helped in any way make the day such a success.

Beccy and Bunty                                                 Jacqui, Kerrie and Jenn

The Scout Active Support Team                           The Beaver Team


Last updated by Rebecca