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Scrapheap Challenge

The Maidstone and Malling Cub Scout Scrapheap Challenge took place on Saturday 3rd March 2012.  13 teams took part in the day.  The teams were tasked with constructing a vehicle that would transport one member of their team 50m.  They had to theme it and dress up.  They could be assisted by an adult and the day saw many parents coming along to share their ideas and skills with the Cubs.

After much sawing, painting, glueing, sanding and sticking, the vehicles were ready for the judging and racing.

Formula One racing cars, a Spitfire with a 12ft wing span and a Pirate ship were just some of the many to be made.  One person commented it was amazing to see the variations considering everyone was given the same specifications in advance of the competition.  There was a Roman Chariot and three variations of a carriage fit for the Queen. 

Harvey Kennett, our CC aided by the new Maidstone East DC Richard Murton and DC for Malling Elaine Greenwood judged the vehicles and the eventual winners were Suttons Cub Pack who had amde their version of the Gold State coach, complete with four horses!  1st St. Mary's Platt were second with their pirate ship made from wheelbarrow with Blacklands third with their Wind in the Willows themed wagon. They were all presented with Diamond Jubilee medals and Suttons won the specially made trophy.

The races were spectacular and a couple of times there was almost a photo finish, but the overall winners with their Formula One racing car were Bearsted Eagles.

A great fun day was had by all with everyone going away with a special badge and certificate for their Packs.

Thanks to everyone who came along to help to make this special day happen.  We couldn't do it without dedicated leaders and helpers.

Beccy Martin

County Cub Team

Video of Cub Scrapheap Challenge 2012

Last updated by Rebecca