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St George's Day 2014

Loose Swiss Tigers spring into action!

Two Cubs from Loose Swiss Tiger Pack were chosen as flag markers for the recent St George's Day Parade in Maidstone. Thomas and Milly did a brilliant job, but Thomas was upset that he didn't get a chance to talk to the Mayor.  Cub Leader Grey Wolf sprang into action and arranged a visit from Maidstone Mayor, Cllr Clive English, to our pack meeting last week. After an informative question and answer session, Mr Mayor joined in various map reading activities with Tiger Pack.

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Medal for Meritorious Conduct for an Inspirational Leader!

030 Adele Govett has a way of making things happen! Against all odds she has had the courage and determination to carry on doing her Beaver Scouting even when she has been unable to attend her weekly meetings.

With the support of a great Beaver Scout team and Leaders from Headcorn Scout Group, Adele has prepared the programme and kept things in order. With the help of her computer and excellent communication skills she has provided an action packed calendar of events for her colony and District.   She has various roles in Weald District and supports new and existing Leaders and young people alike.
What a great day we had at Windsor on Sunday 27th April!

Adele had a bird’s eye view of the quadrangle where 700 Queen’s Scouts shook hand with  The Duke of Kent and Bear Grylls the Chief Scout.   The bands marched and played - all the pomp and ceremony you would expect on this special day!

As you can see from the photo’s Adele had the opportunity to chat and shake hands with The Chief Scout, Bear Grylls, and UK Chief Commissioner, Wayne Bulpitt. They even signed her Group mascots shirt!
We had the pleasure of joining other award holders at a hotel for high tea after the parade.  We were able to listen to stories of the amazing bravery of Beaver and Cub Scouts saving lives and of Leaders like Adele who are always cheerful and ready to help other people before themselves!

Adele said "I felt just like a child going to a sweet shop for the very first time ! I was so excited that I could not sleep afterwards! What an amazing day one I will remember always".  A great award for a great lady!

Kathy Smith


Panthers Prowling on Parade

029 My name is Ryan, I am 9 and I belong to Barming Panther Cubs. I am the Seconder of the Green Six. My little brother Liam, 6, goes to Barming Beavers and my big brother Seán, 14, goes to Barming Scylax Explorers.

On Wednesday 23rd April 2014 it was St George’s Day.  The following Sunday my brothers and I marched in the St George’s Day Parade in Maidstone.

All the Barming Beavers, Cubs and Scouts met up in a car park close to Maidstone town centre. First, Harry was invested as a new Panther Cub. Seán was also invested as a Scylax Explorer, but I didn’t see this because his group met elsewhere. Next, Jacob was chosen to carry our Cub flag. Two Tiger Cubs were the escorts.

Our Barming group all lined up in rows of 3. The Beavers were at the front, our Cubs were in the middle and the Scouts were behind us. We met up with the Parade in the town centre. There were hundreds of us in the Parade. Behind us there was a Scottish marching band. They played very loud music.  At the Town Hall, when Akela shouted “eyes left”, we all looked at the Mayor.

We marched to All Saints Church.  Inside there, we sang songs including The National Anthem. There were some readings and some prayers.  We all then renewed our Promises.  It is important to keep remembering what the Promise means to us, so saying it every year at the St George's Day Parade is a good idea. Did you know that St George is the patron saint of the Scouting Association?

At the end of the service my brothers and I got the bus home. We bought some sweets on the way. Yum yum! I was proud to be part of the Barming group because so many of us turned up.




1st Upchurch Scouts.


Over 600 Scouts plus leaders, parents and friends enjoyed a day at Aylesford Priory on Sunday when Malling District Scouts joined together to celebrate St George's Day.  Along with their flags they paraded into the open air chapel at the Friars and enjoyed a short service which reminded us all of how we are stronger when we work together. 

This was an uplifting  reminder of our Scouting values and the qualities of St George and was concluded by renewal of promises, presentation of awards and investitures of  members of our Scout Network, Excalibur.
Lots of fun activities followed including an inflatable assault course, archery, tug of war and pancake making. During the afternoon fundraising took place for our jamboree participants.  A great day was had by all and the sun shone!
Malling District Scouts

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The hand over from Paul Able to Leigh Villiers as the new DC for Dartford followed his first job to lead the whole of Dartford to Head, shoulders knees and toes.

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Group photograph of the 3rd Dartford Scout Group


Thanks to Martin 3rd Dartford Assistant Cub Leader for the pictures

Over the weekend Harvey attended 3 very different St George's Day celebrations:

  • One district laid on activities as part of a community day
  • One district had a parade through the town
  • And the third had a massive church service

At all three of them we renewed our promises and I got to meet some amazing young people and leaders.
A great weekend!

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Last updated by Rebecca